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The Young Explorers Academy is a cohort of passionate students working together to create a better world. The four cornerstone skills in the Young Explorers Academy are: 


  • Critical thinking 

  • Creativity 

  • Communication 

  • Collaboration


While enrolled in this academy, students will be charged with finding creative solutions to authentic, real-world problems. Students will use primary and secondary resources, research selected topics, and apply their knowledge and ideas to the problem-solving model.


The problem-solving model includes the following: 


  • Step 1: Identify Challenges 

  • Step 2: Select an Underlying Problem 

  • Step 3: Produce Solution Ideas 

  • Step 4: Generate and Select the Criteria 

  • Step 5: Apply the Criteria 

  • Step 6: Develop an Action Plan 


In this academy, students will learn to create solutions to complex problems, evaluate them, and turn them into a workable action plan.  Opportunities for students include: 


  • Opportunity to participate in Project Soapbox and Future Problem Solvers

  • Field experiences at governmental buildings and landmarks 

  • Opportunity to become a member of the Principal Advisory Board and the SLT 

  • Opportunity to meet elected officials and district decision-makers


Example of a class: 


  • Local Leader of Change: This class provides students with the opportunity to identify real problems and implement real solutions in our community. Students will have a chance to select a problem based on their interests. Problems can range from environmental to social issues - students will decide the focus of their project. Students will use primary and secondary resources, research selected topics, then apply their knowledge and ideas to the problem-solving model. A teacher will assist, guide,  facilitate, and provide feedback to students on their work. At the end of the class, all students will present their project to a panel of experts.


At the end of the three years, Young Explorers will be able to: 


  • use the problem-solving framework effectively 

  • create a sound action plan for change 

  • present a strong argument with supporting evidence

  • listen with empathy and understanding 

  • understand multiple perspectives 

  • advocate for the well-being and betterment of all 

  • work collaboratively with others


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